Today i sauntered into maths, thinking of ways to waste time. It's actually productive thinking being that Linear Graphing is also a waste of time. Suddenly i noticed the seat in front of me was occupied by someone new, someone who looked suspiciously like Magic Johnson.
That's right, new black guy. Turns out his name is
Sabelo (but i prefer calling him Magic,
Sab-way, Eat Fresh, Kobe,
Lebron, Ice Cube,
Buzzer beater,
tage, New kid, Baller, New Black Kid) and he hails from
Johannesburg.Now i'd heard about this guy earlier in the week, and it really frustrated me that everyone else was so obsessed with him just because of his colour. That meant that I couldn't be obsessed with him just because of his colour, so i went out of my way to introduce myself and become aquainted with him. After about 10 seconds of listening to Magic's wicked accent i learnt that he is practically the renaissance man. He can sing like Barry White, play rugby, soccer and basketball like a pro and is fluent in mixed martial arts. I thought i had earnt his respect by ballin' with him at lunchtime but when he continued dissing me i decided to try my luck with one of those "Yo Mama" jokes his culture is so fond of. I waited for the perfect moment. Sab-way: "The oldest chick i've ever hooked up with? she was thirty."T.S: "Yo Mama doesn't count Sab-o-tage"After about 4.37 seconds of staring at me aggressively, Eat Fresh burst into laughter and said something inaudible about the size of his manhood and my mother."What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies." - Aristotle